Trade Name Reservation in Dubai, UAE

Before you set up business in Dubai, it is necessary to go through the complete process, starting with trade name registration in Dubai and ending as your company starts functioning.

In the whole process, you need to get a trade license in Dubai as per your business activities and preferred company structure. Nonetheless, Let’s get started by knowing what exactly a trade license in Dubai is.

How to verify the availability of a company name?

After you choose a name for your company in Dubai, you have to verify if it is available and you can do this through a public service offered by the local Ministry of Economy. You can submit the company name written in Arabic or English. Checking the availability, reservation and payment can be done online on the website of DED.

The name of your company is important because it is representative of your business and your brand and it will help differentiate your business from others.


Must not use the word Dubai
Must not conflict with Arabic and Islamic traditions.
Must not refer to God or Islam
Should be translated into Arabic
Should be indicative of the business activity.
Docs Needed:

Passport Copy

5 suggested name

Points to note:

The business activity will always be a part of the trade name.

For example:

Activity: Management Consultancy


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