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Certified True Copy in UAE

A certified true copy refers to a reproduced document that has been verified by an authorized authority as an accurate and faithful representation of the original document. This certification confirms that the copy carries the same legal validity and authenticity as the original document. Certified true copies serve a crucial purpose in various legal, administrative, and professional contexts. In this article, we will delve into the definition, process, and uses of certified true copies.

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A certified true copy is a copy of a document that has been verified and attested to be an accurate and complete reproduction of the original document. The certification is typically done by a qualified professional, such as a notary public, lawyer, or government official.

To obtain a certified true copy, the original document is presented to the certifying authority who then reviews and compares it with the copy. If the copy is found to be a true and accurate reproduction of the original document, the certifying authority will sign and stamp the copy, and add a statement attesting to its authenticity. The statement usually includes the date of certification, the name and title of the certifying authority, and a statement that the copy is a true and complete copy of the original document.

Certified true copies are often required for various official purposes, such as applying for a passport or visa, opening a bank account, registering a business, or for legal proceedings. They serve as a reliable and legally acceptable substitute for the original document, which can be retained by the owner for safekeeping.

For more information on how to get your documents attested, contact our team of experts at +971 52 638 4831 and enjoy a hassle-free and prompt attestation service. You can also send us a message for a quick call back from our Subject-Matter-Experts!


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