School certificate Attestation

Attestation Services For School Certificates

The certification of educational qualifications has gained significant significance due to the increasing number of individuals from various regions aspiring to enter the dynamic workforce of the United Arab Emirates or pursue further education within its jurisdiction. The process known as “School Certificate Attestation” plays a vital role in facilitating individuals’ entrance into the UAE by ensuring the authentication of their educational qualifications..

All certificates issued from schools including Transfer or school leaving, higher secondary, A level, and O levels are considered as School certificates.

Procedure to complete school certificate attestation in the UAE

✔️ The school certificate must first be attested by the state’s Education Ministry.

✔️ The certificate will then be forwarded to the Government Office of External Affairs or a comparable office for second-level verification.

✔️ Following that, you must go to the Consulate to complete the final verification and attestation

✔️ After the consulate has validated the paperwork and school attestation in UAE is completed, you can get all of the documents at once.

diploma certificate attestation services

Important purposes of Attested School Certificates 

For various reasons, it is mandatory to have an attested school certificate. Below are some of the major purposes, for which our clients seek for attestation on school certificates-

  • To seek School Admissions
  • Employment Purpose
  • Medical reasons
  • To pursue Higher Education
  • To prove that the child is a qualified student.

Education: To appropriately represent your educational background while applying for admission to foreign universities or colleges, attested certificates are crucial.

Professional Licencing: For the purpose of granting professional licenses or memberships, certain professions, such as those in the medical or engineering industries, may require proven educational documents.

Avoiding Red Tape: By offering a standardized technique to validate the legitimacy of educational records, attestation lowers administrative barriers and streamlines bureaucratic processes.

Global Mobility: With certified certificates, you can traverse cross-border opportunities with confidence and peace of mind regarding the validity of your educational history.


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