Marriage Certificate Attestation

Marriage Certificate Attestation in UAE

Marriage certificate attestation is a process of verifying and authenticating the legality of a marriage certificate in Dubai. The attestation process involves various government and non-government agencies to ensure the certificate is genuine and legally binding. The attestation process is mandatory in Dubai for several purposes, such as applying for a spouse visa, sponsoring a dependent family member. .
In most jurisdictions, a marriage certificate is issued by a government official which needs to be attested UAE Embassy from the home country only after the civil registration of the marriage. A marriage certificate attestation for the United Arab Emirates is the process of verifying the authenticity of a marriage certificate for use in the UAE. This is often required for couples who are planning to live or work in the UAE and need to provide proof of their marriage..
marriage attestation

We are always taking care of giving required attestation services for our clients. If you want to attest any of your certificates for abroad purposes, we are here to handle this attestation processes for you. The instructions given on our site will assist you to prepare your certificate well for documentation and must be noted while searching to attest your document..

  • Obtain the certificate from the marriage officer who conducted your marriage ceremony. Provide your identification documents and those of your spouse.
  • Attest the certificate by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, either in person or through an authorized service centre.
  • Translate the certificate into English or the required language if you plan to use it outside the UAE for visa or residency purposes. Use an official translator approved by the UAE Ministry of Justice.
  • Optional: Further authenticate the certificate by the Embassy of your home country in Dubai, depending on your requirements.


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