Diploma Attestation

Diploma Certificate Attestation

Diploma certificate is issued by the Universities or educational institute to show the person has successfully completed a Diploma course. Attestation of Diploma certificate is the process of authenticating a government official stamp on your diploma certificate for use abroad.. Once the Diploma certificate attestation for UAE is completed in home country then, the document is returned back to UAE to further get the UAE Mofa attestation services done locally.
The certificate is an educational accreditation thatattained after completing the diploma. Students can acquire the diploma certificate from the concerned educational institute, university, organization, school, etc. The diploma certificate combines information related to the diploma, such as the name of the course, obtained marks and grades, the name of the institution or college, year of study, etc..
diploma certificate attestation

Why choose Us?

  • We offer cost-effective solutions when you have time on your hands, through to a same-day attestation service when you’re running out of time.
  • We can arrange to collect your documents and return them anywhere around the world.
  • We’ll guide you through every step of the process to ensure that there are no surprises or further fees to pay.
Check below the crystal clear process of the attestation of your diploma certificate (which is the same for the majority of the countries). 
  1. Notary Public Stamp on the Certificate (if required) optional for some countries.
  2. Verification from the State Education Department or Relevant Authority.
  3. Authentication from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Country of Issue.
  4. UAE Embassy Legalization in the Home Country.
  5. Attestation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dubai, UAE.


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