Commercial documents attestation

Certificate Attestation, Authentication and Verification Services

Commercial document attestation is required to establish the validity of your certificates in foreign countries. Documents like a certificate of origin, certificate of incorporation, invoices, etc., undergo commercial document attestation. A commercial document is considered under non-educational document attestation. Purposes of commercial document attestation:

  • For selling properties in the home country.
  • For trading.
  • For starting up business.
  • For cancelling partnerships.
  • To open bank accounts.
Commercial documents consists of all the documents required for starting a business or opening a new branch/office. It contains all the recorded transaction, certificate of origin, invoice, license of the company, memorandum of articles, articles of association, certificate of incorporation etc..
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Chamber of Commerce Attestation:For commercial documents, you have to attest the documents from the respective state’s Chamber of Commerce.

MEA Attestation: After the Chamber of commerce attestation, you need to get the documents attested from the Ministry of External Affairs.

Embassy Attestation: Here, the attested commercial documents has to get attested from the embassy of the destination country in your home country.

MOFA Attestation: Mofa attestation is required when you reach the destination country. You have to get all your documents and license from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

How do I get my foreign company documents attested for use in the UAE?

  1. The first stage of the commercial document attestation process is verification by a solicitor or notary public in the country of origin
  2. The commercial document is then authenticated by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in the country of origin. Depending on the country of issue, the document may also require the Chambers of Commerce to review and attest it.
  3. Legalisation by the UAE Embassy in the country of origin is also required to verify that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stamp is genuine.


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