Birth certificate attestation

Birth Certificate Attestation for UAE

A birth certificate is a child’s only form of identification. It has the legal information of the child – name, names of parents, birthplace, and other personal information. Birth certificates are one of the most important certificates a person must have for admissions or applications in the future..
Benchmark Attestation Services in Dubai can help you with the birth certification procedures by taking on the hassle of dealing with government agencies. Our agents are thoroughly professional in getting attestation for various documentation, including birth certificate legalization. We ensure that our customer representatives are within reach 24 hours a day for any questions our clients might have about their applications’ procedures or progress..
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The Process of Attestation

To get your certificates attested, we will require you to present us with the following documents:

  • Original Copy of the Birth Certificate
  • Authorization letters requesting the attestation of the birth certificate
  • Copy of the National Identity Cards of the parents
  • The parents’ passport copies
  • Copy of the applicant’s visa and their parents’ as well
  • Passport-sized photographs.

Since it is a personal document, the reissue must be performed by the parents.

A second option is if the parents provide us a POA giving us power to perform the retrieval, it should work as well depending on the country.

Birth certificate legalization / Attestation

Once the birth certificate is retrieved from its country of origin, our service partner in the country of origin of the birth certificate will commence the birth certificate attestation for UAE. The certificate will be attested at the Foreign Affairs Office, Ministry of Justice and the UAE embassy.


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