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Legal Translation Services attestation

Legal translation services in the UAE involve the translation of legal documents from one language to another while maintaining the accuracy, legal terminology, and cultural nuances of the original text. Legal translation is necessary for a variety of purposes, including immigration, court proceedings, business contracts, and regulatory compliance.

The UAE has a diverse population, and many legal documents are written in languages other than Arabic, the official language of the country. As a result, legal translation services are essential for individuals and businesses who need to translate legal documents from and into Arabic, as well as other languages.

If you need to use legal documents in a foreign country, you might be required to have them translated and attested. Legal translation services and attestation are essential to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of your legal documents when presented to authorities or institutions abroad. Here’s a comprehensive overview of legal translation services and the attestation process:

Legal translation services in the UAE are provided by licensed translation companies, which are regulated by the Department of Economic Development (DED) and other government bodies. These companies employ certified and experienced legal translators who have a deep understanding of legal terminology, conventions, and procedures in both the source and target languages.

The process of legal translation in the UAE typically involves the following steps:

  • Document submission: The client submits the original legal document to the translation company, either in person, by email, or online.
  • Assessment: The translation company reviews the document and determines the scope, complexity, and level of legal expertise required for the translation.
  • Translation: The legal document is translated by a certified legal translator with expertise in the relevant legal field.
  • Review: The translated document is reviewed by a second legal translator to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Certification: The translated document is certified by the translation company, indicating that it is a true and accurate translation of the original legal document.
  • Delivery: The translated document is delivered to the client in the requested format, such as a hard copy or electronic copy.

Legal translation services in the UAE must adhere to strict quality standards and ensure the confidentiality and security of client information. It is important to choose a reputable and licensed translation company to ensure the accuracy and validity of legal translations.

Legal translation involves converting legal documents from one language to another while preserving their original meaning and legal validity. Legal documents are highly sensitive, and any inaccuracies or errors in translation could have serious consequences. Therefore, it is crucial to use professional legal translation services provided by experienced translators who are well-versed in legal terminology and have a thorough understanding of the legal systems in both the source and target languages.

For more information, contact our team at +971 52 638 4831 and enjoy a hassle-free and prompt attestation service. You can also send us a message for a quick call back from our Subject-Matter-Experts!


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