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Marriage Certificate Attestation could be issued by the government authority, marriage registrar, courts in home country or religious bodies authorized to issue the same.
certificate of Marriage attestation is a procedure that verifies the authenticity of a marriage certificate issued by the authorities of one country for its use in another country. The attestation process involves obtaining stamps and signatures from designated authorities to ensure the document’s credibility and acceptance in the foreign country.
Attestation of marriage certificate is necessary to sponsor your spouse, or children. UAE hospitals also require attested marriage certificates so that the UAE birth certificate for a new-born can be issued. You may also need it to get a foreign country visa.
For UAE Attestation, the marriage certificate must be in English or Arabic. If it is in any other language, it will be translated to English or Arabic following the guidelines of the home country and attested accordingly.
Arabic Legal translation is mandatory in some of the emirates of UAE in the process of sponsoring the family. Secure attestation’s team of experts will advise you as per your requirement.
Secure Attestation Services can advise you Marriage Certificate Attestation on the steps involved and other requirements and navigate expertly to get your job done and the certificate attested completely without your presence in any department. The legalization process can be lengthy and confusing if done on our own. For a document from each country the processing duration and charges will vary.
In every country, the attestation process generally following the below steps:
Secure Attestation Services can advise you on the steps involved and other requirements and navigate expertly to get your job done and the certificate attested completely without your presence in any department. The legalization process can be lengthy and confusing if done on our own. For a document from each country the processing duration and charges will vary.
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Secure Attestation offers a wide range of attestation services for individuals and businesses. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing reliable & fast attestation services to ensure that your documents are legally recognized in the UAE and beyond.
Secure Attestation Services
#199-405, 4th Floor,
Wasl R-364, Same Building as Bakemart Karama,
Dubai, UAE
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